MHI June 2019 - Economic Report
MHI Economic Report shows 7,765 New HUD Code Homes Shipped in June
MHI Economic Report shows 7,765 New HUD Code Homes Shipped in June
In June 2019, new manufactured home shipments decreased 6.6% to 7,765 homes as compared to the 8,311 homes shipped in June 2018. Total shipments for June 2019 were 836 less than the prior month of May.
Compared with June 2018, shipments of single-section homes are down by 7.3% and multi-section homes are down by 6.0%. Total floors shipped in June 2019 decreased 6.5% to 12,206 compared to June 2018.
Of the 7,765 homes shipped in June, there were there were no homes designated as FEMA units shipped which is the same as June 2018.
The seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of shipments was 93,337 in June 2019, down 1.9% from the adjusted rate of 95,151 in May 2019. The SAAR corrects for normal seasonal variations and projects annual shipments based on the current monthly total.
In June, 136 plants representing 34 corporations reported production data which is the same as May 2019.