Regulation Change Tips
Tips and Best Practices To Insure a Easier Process
As you know, the regulation changes have been in full effect since February 4th. KMHI has put together some useful tips for complying with the new regulations:
- On the MH Foundation Submittal Form:
- The HUD Label may not be known when this form is submitted. Put “TBD” on the line for HUD Label.
- Send in this form at least 5 days prior to requesting an inspection; however, this form can be sent in 30-60 days out or as soon as you know the home is sold. Don’t wait until 5 days out!
- This form does not set up the actual inspection even if you put the inspection date requested on the form. Until the online portal is implemented, you must call or email at mfh@ky.gov to request an inspection at least one day prior to needing the inspection. Inspectors are making every effort to do the inspection when needed. If it is not possible, request a skype inspection or ask permission to take pictures of the site and footer locations to submit to the inspector.
- Get to know your inspector and ask for his cell phone number. This will help you when trying to get the inspections you need when you need them.
- Inspection fees can no longer be accepted (as of 4-10-19) at the inspection and must be paid prior to the inspection. Without the portal, it is difficult to get the payment in advance unless you send in the form well before the 5 days. You can call in a credit card number, but it will be hard to get in contact with anyone. I heard that one retailer created a form that listed the home information and credit card information so that it could be completed and emailed in with the documentation and foundation submittal form. If you need help with coming up with some type of form, give us a call.
- Send in all documentation needed from the manual and product instructions to support the foundation form. If you have questions regarding what to send, call KMHI.
- Do not submit generic foundation plans or entire installation manuals – do submit specific foundation plans and portions of the installation manual that pertain to the specific home being installed.
- Do submit specific installation instruction for installation of products such as ABS pads, anchoring systems, pre-cast concrete foundations, frost protected shallow foundation systems, insulated skirting, etc.
- Do submit site-specific conditions and proposal for addressing site drainage.
- Do submit method for determining frost depth with supporting documentation.
- Be careful about flood zones. Inspectors will be looking at FEMA maps to determine if home will be placed in a flood zone. It is extremely important to get a flood elevation certificate to verify the land may be in a flood zone but the “home site” is out of the actual flood zone. Make sure you get the appropriate documentation.
- In communities, ground set will no longer be accepted (as in all other installations). Installers must dig to frost line or use approved frost protected options. Manufacturers will work with communities to help in the retrofit of existing sites. Note that not all manufacturers do allow strip footers. Read your manuals.
- If piers must be over 67 inches, manufacturers will work with retailers/installers to approve an alternate pier.
- At final inspection, Inspectors will require a receipt for concrete to verify that 3000 psi or better concrete was used.
- All running gear, axles, and wheels must be removed from the home after installation but can be left under the home.
- Monthly MH Retailer Certification Form and Monthly Certified Installer Form MUST be completed and sent in every month. You will be asked to send in those forms if they are not sent and you may be fined. These forms were not required in the past but must be sent in to the Department to avoid fines and suspensions of licenses and certifications. For installers, if no homes are installed, write “No Homes Installed” on form and send it in.
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